Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's almost time for my 20 year high school reunion. Sheesh--time flies! I watch Cody as he enters his senior year of high school and it seems like I was that age only a few years ago. I had planned to travel with friends to Cedar City to see some Shakespeare (an annual tradition for us) that weekend, but when I realized the dates conflicted, I decided to go to the reunion instead. I don't know--it just seems like the sort of thing I would regret missing. I'm very curious to see how people have changed--or if I'll even remember people? Should be good times.
I'm not in a play right now. Don't worry, though--I get a little performance fix every time I train, and since I'm supposed to be in front of a classroom 50% of my time at work (?), I'm getting a lot of performance time...This week I'll be closer to 80% facilitation time--whew! I imagine it won't be long before I'm ready to hit the stage again, but for right now, it's kind of nice not to have regularly scheduled rehearsals. I really was crazy during the first half of this year!!