Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

This summer is starting out really well! I've been working out for 3 weeks now with friends from work (they're making me, really, which is the only reason I've lasted this long... Bless them!). Weirdly, although I'm not seeing a difference in my shape, and I'm not yet able to lift heavy things, I'm not discouraged. I think there's a huge mental lift in knowing you're doing something good for you.

I'm working on just one play right now, and Guys and Dolls is shaping up nicely. What a great cast! The set is going to be amazing--a lot of work still needs to be done, but what's there already is fantastic.

Shawn and Rhoda are moving into a new home--smaller yard, but WAY more bathrooms, and bedrooms for everyone--should be fabulous! I'm excited to see it!

And the weather--okay, it rained a little, but really, just gorgeous! I'm looking forward to spending some time outside this year. I know, I always say that--this year for real, though! :)

Looking forward to many more beautiful things!