Saturday, June 12, 2010

Life's happy moments (name them one by one...)

Some of life's happy moments, joys and blessings:
* Waking up with a start, thinking you overslept--and then realizing it's Saturday.
* Taking a walk--fast enough to feel like you exercised, but slow enough to still enjoy it.
* Singing in the car at the top of your lungs, looking to the right or left at a stoplight and realizing the person in the car next to you is totally staring at you.  Hey--stare on, buddy, I'm living in the moment!
* Making a toddler giggle.
* Tearing out drywall without asking for help.
* Having the cheesecake AND the chocolate mousse (don't judge...).
* Singing in the shower, with the absolute conviction that you sound exactly like Barbra Streisand.
* Playing with my baby dog.
* Knowing I have another episode of Glee recorded but not watched yet.
* "Aha!" moments in the classroom, when someone's lightbulb goes on.
* Casually tossing something into the garbage can across the room--and totally making it!
* Having a coupon for something you were about to buy anyway.
* Being able to read.
* Owning a car.
* Having a job I am passionate about.
* Having a JOB.
* The way my most recent family portrait is much better than most of the ones that came before it, even though I don't really like getting my picture taken.
* That it's still raining, even though I bought an umbrella (it was touch and go for a couple of days--I bought the umbrella, and it immediately cleared up...).
* Close friends who still stay in touch with me even though I'm lousy at keeping in touch with them.
* Finding out your camera runs on AA batteries.
* Being thirsty and having clean, cold water to drink.
* Living in a city where the streets are in a grid.
* Living in a city surrounded by MOUNTAINS.
* When my dog snores.
* Grapes and tomatoes (although not necessarily together...)
* Free tickets to see Paul McCartney (hint, hint...)

So many more, I can't even think...

1 comment:

  1. I love how you write just how you would talk...I can actually hear your voice when I read your words. Awesome post.
